Student Ministry

Students and young adults play a vital role in the life of the Parish at St. Wilfrid’s, participating in various ministries throughout the week. In addition to being part of the broader parish community, there are specific groups and events designed for students and young adults.

 Chaplaincy Services for Students and Young Adults

 Metanoia Project offers Chaplaincy Services for all Students and Young Adults on behalf of the Diocese of Lancaster and St. Wilfrid's Parish. Joe White, Director of Metanoia Project is the Lay Catholic Chaplain for the University of Central Lancashire.

 On Sunday's students and young adults are invited to contribute to the liturgy of the 4.30pm Mass, whether it is aiding with Mass readings or helping Metanoia’s music ministry, taking the collection or being trained as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist.

 This Mass is followed by food, fellowship, and faith formation every Sunday of term time.

 At UCLan, Mass is celebrated by local priests at 12.15pm on Wednesdays in the Oasis Centre. Joe is available for a drop-in session 1- 4pm where students and staff can be supported in prayer, help and advice, or just for a friendly chat.

 UCLan CathSoc meets on Wednesday evenings in the Oasis Centre at 7pm.

 Throughout the year Metanoia Project and CathSoc facilitate various trips, events, and retreats.

 If you would like any more information about anything relating to students or young adults, please contact 07481 188102

 Contact the CathSoc at UCLan.

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