Ministry to the Homeless

St Wilfrid's provides the location for two projects offering practical support to Preston's homeless men and women and those living on the fringe of society.

Metanoia Project, a Catholic charity for the New Evangelisation based here at St Wilfrid’s, with a passion to minister to people of all ages, through proclaiming the Word and serving the poor, lead two drop in sessions a week.

Every Tuesday evening from 6.00-7.30pm, a sit-down hot meal is provided in our Parish Centre, where visitors and Metanoia Project volunteers sit together to eat and chat with prayer threaded throughout the evening.

A weekly Wednesday Drop In, which is hosted in the Narthex of the Church from 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm, provides clothes, shoes, sleeping bags and toiletries to anyone in need. Metanoia Project volunteers also spend time listening and chatting over a hot drink with those who attend. Prayer is offered throughout the evening and the session finishes with a group prayer.

Both sessions provide a safe place, where we can welcome those who are in need in our society, and where we offer practical and spiritual help. Participants are treated with dignity and respect as beloved children of God and have an opportunity to get to know the love and mercy of our Lord.

To find out more contact Jen Murphy Metanoia Project on 07957 566741or

Metanoia Project
Wednesday Drop In
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