
At St Wilfrid's Parish we support HCPT with their annual pilgrimage holidays to Lourdes. This extract from the HCPT website tells you more about the wonderful work they do:

HCPT is a registered charity offering pilgrimage holidays, to Lourdes in the south of France, for disabled and disadvantaged people from around the UK and further afield.

Every Easter around 1,000 disabled and disadvantaged children enjoy a fun and safe week in Lourdes, staying in hotels with their volunteer helpers.

Each Summer over 1,500 people, many of them with disabilities or life limiting conditions, enjoy a week at HCPT's Hosanna House in Bartrès near Lourdes.

We also offer self catering pilgrimage holidays in our Bartrès Villa near Lourdes.

HCPT is a charity with its roots in the Catholic faith. Our services are open to all. Volunteers and beneficiaries come from all walks of life and from all faiths and none.

We are grateful for your support. For HCPT to continue helping children and adults in need, we rely on donations and volunteers.

For more information contact Richard McDowell on northwest@hcpt.org.uk

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