Faith & Justice at St Wilfrid's

Our Group

We believe that working for Justice and Peace is an integral part of living the Gospel.  

“ have to commit to the small, concrete, positive actions you can take, whether you’re sowing hope or working for justice.” Let us Dream; the path to a better future” Pope Francis page 16

If you are concerned about  Hunger, Poverty, Homelessness, Unemployment, Care of the Vulnerable, Human Rights, Fairtrade, Racial Justice, Ethical Investments, Alternatives to War...  and wish to do something to help then please consider joining our Group as we try to understand some of these issues and how our Faith guides us to respond.

“ we commit to those small things, we start to imagine another way of living together, of serving our fellow beloved creatures.  We can begin to dream of real change, change that is possible.” Let us Dream; the path to a better future Pope Francis page 20

St Wilfrid’s Faith & Justice Group is open to all. We act in close co-operation with the Parish Priest. In normal circumstances we meet one Sunday each month in the Parish Centre and after the 10.15 am Mass to plan our actions for the coming weeks. At the present time we are trying to keep in touch with each other on Zoom, email for details of our next meeting.

What we do

“The climate is a common good, belonging to all and meant for all. At the global level, it is a complex system linked to many of the essential conditions for human life” Laudato Sii Pope Francis 23

Some of our activities have included:

  • Steering the Parish to become a Live Simply Parish
  • Homeless: food and warm clothing collections.
  • Fairtrade: Education / Promotion
  • Soup Kitchen: Provision with Luv Preston
  • Asylum seekers: Campaigning to support their rights.
  • Catholic Social Teaching: Awareness Talks.
  • Palestine: Support & Education, Seasonal Card campaign
  • Faith in Action: Series of Talks
  • Supporting Local Faith Groups
  • Pax Christi: Peace Sunday activities, Advent services
  • CAFOD: supporting campaigns and organising Lent and Harvest collections
  • Promoting the work of JRS and using it’s prayer resources
  • Jesuit Missions, promoting it’s works and talks
  • Regular feedback/information through the Parish Newsletter
  • Challenging and lobbying MPs and local politicians about various issues when the need arises.


  • Regular updates in the Parish Newsletter
  • Notice Board in the Narthex​

​New members or visitors are most welcome to join us. We hope to interest all who are concerned with Faith and Justice. In particular, those who can devote some of their time to the causes we adopt will be a great support. All action is voluntary and members tend to pursue their areas of particular interest within our group framework. If you want to join the Group, just come along to the next meeting [See the Parish Newsletter for details]. 

Some Organizations We Link With

“We need to pay attention to the global so as to avoid narrowness and banality. Yet we also need to look to the local, which keeps our feet on the ground.” Fratelli Tutti Pope Francis 142


The Winter edition of our Justice and Peace Magazine is now available to read online and to download. Click here...

We have a page on this site dedicated to Catholic Social Teaching - often called the "hidden gem" of the Catholic Church! Click here to open the page, and see some examples below.

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