Welcome to St Wilfrid's Parish in the Heart of Preston

The Presentation of the Lord
Simeon took Jesus into his arms and blessed God
Today we celebrate Candlemas, the Christian festival of light that marks the end of Christmastide. We joyfully welcome into the ‘temple’ of our hearts Christ the Light of the World; the One who enlightens our lives.
The prophecy of Malachi (First Reading) is fulfilled when Mary and Joseph present the child Jesus in the Temple, for Malachi speaks of a day when ‘the Lord … will suddenly come to his Temple’.
The Gospel serves as a formal announcement of Jesus’s arrival in the Temple: his presentation to Gentiles and Jews alike, as ‘the salvation’ of all humankind. The intimate scene also highlights the faithful piety of the young couple, as well as the patient faith and hope of Anna and Simeon.
The Second Reading underlines the reality of Jesus’s humanity. Like all of us, Jesus must grow in maturity and wisdom, as well as experiencing the suffering that real temptation brings to every human being.
The Psalmist marvels that the Lord of the Universe has deigned to live amongst us in the Temple: he bids its gates and ancient doors to lift their heads, so that the mighty Lord may enter.
As Pilgrims of Hope in this Jubilee Year, we pray that, like the Holy Family, we might have a growing faith and hope in a loving God who cares for us all. We remember especially those who are victims of modern slavery in our turbulent, uncertain world. We also ask for an openness of heart and spirit to appreciate God’s many blessings, freely available to us every day.
This week we pray that like the Holy Family, we have a growing embodied faith and hope in a loving God who cares for all, especially in our turbulent and uncertain world of today. We also pray for an openness of heart and spirit to the many Divine blessings freely available to us each day.
(With thanks to St Beuno's Outreach)
The Presentation of the Christ Child in the Temple
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid
St Wilfrid’s is an active Catholic parish. in the heart of Preston, served by the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), with a history going back over 200 years. As Parish Priest I am delighted to welcome you to St Wilfrid’s. This website gives you details of the many activities of our dedicated parishioners as well as the history of this church. Please contact us for more information or if there is anything we can do.
Wishing you every blessing.
Chris Pedley, S.J.
Weekend Workshop
Life before Death: The Psychology of Flourishing
Presented by Fr Roger Dawson SJ
April 11- 13, Kinnoul Monastery, Perth.
Read the 2025 Jesuit Yearbook
Jesuits and their partners in mission are present at the very heart of the world. They are sensitive to the challenges of our time. They reach out especially to those in need of support. They want to help create a better world for everyone.
This is what emerges from the 2025 edition of the yearbook published by the General Curia of the Society of Jesus: Jesuits 2025.
Click the image above to open and download the Yearbook.
Pope's February Prayer Intention
For vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Let us pray that the ecclesial community might welcome the desires and doubts of those young people who feel a call to serve Christ’s mission in the priesthood and religious life.